Residents Activity Calendar

Here, planned social events are frequent, as are activities that inspire creativity and spark the imagination. Take an afternoon stroll, garden, or just enjoy yourself chatting with a good friend in the dining room. Indoors the energy is contagious, life is vibrant and as busy or relaxed as you would like. Expand your knowledge, invest time in your favorite hobby, or learn something new. At Heritage Woods, you will have the opportunity to find life balance that’s right for you.

Nearby you’ll find arts and recreation, fine restaurants, shopping, entertainment and state-of-the-art medical service. Wake Forest University and North Carolina School of the Arts offer a motivating array of cultural and educational opportunities.

This is what makes Heritage Woods the ideal place to learn, grow, and be inspired. As you continue this rewarding chapter in your life, you will have the opportunity to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Heritage Woods logo green

Wine tasting, live music, craft fairs. You never know what types of events you might find each and every month at Heritage Woods, so be sure to check out our public events calendar and RSVP for all the fun before it’s too late!